Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions!
Where is this year's event?
Chaffey College- Sports Center
Registration -10:30am!
Event is from 11:00am-5:00pm
5885 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
What time shall I drop off my teen on the big day?
Registration begins at 10:30am!
Who's invited to Girl Talk?
Expect to see young ladies just like you! Every year we have girls who are very shy and attend by themselves. Many young ladies use the program as a way to break out of their shell and meet other girls their age. Girl Talk welcomes ALL TYPES of female teens! This is a space for all of us!
Nope! This event is for the ladies only! Keep in mind, the event is called "Girl" Talk ;-)
Note: The only men walking around are campus officers, video/photographers hired for the event, DJ, and Chaffey/venue staff who will be moving tables, chairs, equiment, etc.
The actual ATTENDEES of the event must all be teenage ladies.
Why Can't boys/parents attend?
Because this event is specifically designed for the young ladies! We have so many celebrity influences, social media influences, etc. The self esteem of these ladies crashes every single day with every new post, hashtag or latest trend. Meagan wants the ladies to feel uplifted and empowered without the distraction of boys in the room. Trust us, it can be intimidating being in a room with other women too! Which is why we are bringing back the Self Worth/Confidence talk this year! It is our opening topic!
For the parents, we want to give you the day off knowing your teen is attending an empowerment conference that Meagan Tandy has designed along with the collaboration with the Women On The Move Network and Chaffey College!
The amazing Victoria Gardens mall is 3 exits away as well as various great restaurants!
Keep in mind, if we allowed each young lady to bring her boyfriend, little sister, and maybe her mom, along with our staff, security, volunteers, etc. we would easily have over 500 people and that creates security code issues. It's best to just send the ladies!
Parent's, check this out !
Watch last years VIDEO if you want to see what it's like !
As long as she is between the ages of 12-19 years of age, YES! Please bring her!
Please arrive at 10:30am for registration! The first 100 girls will receive the Official Girl Talk 6th Annual Swag Bags. All other ladies will receive our Girl Talk Swag Bags!!
My parent/guardian would like to stay. What does she do while I'm in the conference?
We are bringing back our Parent/Guardian workshops ! This is NOT mandatory! Parents, If you want to stay, check this out!
How do I register?
On the Event Brite page ! Not on this website!
Click Here to register !
Each teen needs to submit her OWN Event Brite submission!
My daughter/teen is bringing 5 of her friends. Why do they EACH need to register on Event Brite?
We need this for a proper head count.
Meagan and Chaffey encourage you to PLEASE only sign up attending ladies.
Your approved tickets affects sponsorship, donations, lunch preparation and even guest speakers. Having an accurate head count is extremely important.
Keep in mind, you can use the same email to sign up each teen.
How do I cancel my attendance?
Simply pull up the Event Brite email you received after you registered and follow the cancel prompts. If you don't see it, go on and send us an email !
Is Empire Girls and Girl Talk the same thing?
No, they are separate. Think of Empire Girls as the "Mothership", and Girl Talk is it's "baby". Empire Girls will be year round with frequent mini sessions where girls who are apart of the community and are interested in attending can do so. Girl Talk is a once a year extravaganza in the summer!
Is Empire Girls and Girl Talk FREE?
Girl Talk is 100% Free!
Empire Girls is FREE to sign up! Access to empowering emails is FREE! Most if not all workshops will be free.
The girls might have to pay for movie tickets or lunches/dinners at a discounted rate. Some workshops, depending upon the guest speakers and his/her materials may have a small fee.
Become a sponsor!
How big will the Empire Girls workshops be?
The workshop size will vary but they will be much smaller than the workshops at Girl Talk. Expect somewhere between 5 to 25 girls max.
The idea is to attend a special workshop with an exclusive group of girls.
An email will go out, the first to sign up, that is who will have a spot. If she misses that opportunity, no worries! There will be more workshops.